Sunday, March 29, 2020

Week 11
Throughout this year I have leaned away from wanting to become a teacher. I never really knew if it was what I wanted to do but I needed a minor for my major and I thought it would be interesting and helpful. But if I had to choose a subject and grade level to teach I think I would pick senior year government. (I am a political science major). I think surveys would be a great tool to use in this setting to get anonymous opinions from my students to discuss! Also to get some demographics from my class in the beginning!
In the flipped classroom the homework becomes the classwork. Instruction is given during home time. So then the skills can be applied in person instead of at home. I think this form of teaching sounds very interesting. It would allow students to learn at their own pace but I also think it might be difficult to make sure students are doing the at home instruction.
I think I would like to keep learning more about excel next. Excel is very complex and confusing and I think there are entire classes about it for a reason. I also think it is very useful in all jobs and just in life in general. I could learn a lot more about excel on my own through youtube videos I'm sure.
I found many things interesting when reading the instructors blog post. I have found many of the Covid-19 education related posts all very interesting. I liked looking at all of the teachers pages my classmates chose to look at! I also thought some of the tools we mentioned would be very beneficial in the classroom for professional development. I also enjoyed seeing what adaptive technologies my class mates would use!
My comments will be posted on the canvas discussions :)

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Week 10
Teachers are expected to use and keep their students up to date with current technology available. In order for teachers to keep their students informed, they must stay up to date as well. I read an article about how teachers can help keep up with technology and see what would be useful in their classroom. This website encourages teachers to think about what types of technology could be useful in their classroom and encourages them to keep up with blogs or other teachers pages to see what others are using. Keeping up with other teachers could help a lot with keeping up with technology trends.
I felt pretty well adversed in powerpoint before our two assignments. I think feeling confident about how to use a software before beginning an assignment made me a bit more open minded about the assignment. This showed me that maybe I need to do a little better in immersing myself in what we're doing before starting future assignments. One thing I did learn however was the voice over. I never knew you could add dictation to power points. I also had no clue you could make buttons!
SC 1
power point assignment

While reviewing the class blog post about what was learned from weeks 1-5 I was amazed that we already in week 10. This class has flown by and I am sure with the given circumstances that it will finish even faster. It was interesting to see what you had learned from us because I would have though you already knew most of what we have to say. Weeks 1-5 were a lot more of the research based blog posts so I would say I probably learned the most about new things during this time just because I had to look things up.

I commented on Jean (Maylce) and Edda's posts.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Week 9

Assistive and adaptive technology either provide people with assistance when performing a task or help adapt the task or technologies related to the task so that it becomes easier or possible. Students that are unable to type or see can use things such as a joy stick instead of a mouse or braille printers. I have never personally seen any of these technologies in use but I have heard of them before. I think it could be challenging because they have to be so individualized. But I think when fit to the individual student, these are a great tool to have in the classroom.

I think the key principals aim to be accessible to everyone. The learning guidelines aim to answer the "Why? What? How?" of learning. Allowing for flexibility is offering different methods to accomplish the same goal, whether this is reading or listening to an audio book, either way students know the content of a book. Being simple and intuitive allows students to know what is expected of them, I have seen this done constantly in the form of rubrics. All of these principles are put in place to help teachers help students do the best possible.

Edmodo and Google drive are two academic softwares I might use in my future classroom. Both of these really focus on student organization and accessibility. Edmodo similar to teacher websites just allows students to easily view announcements and resources. Google drive is great because it would allow me to share anything with students and keep it automatically saved. These are both also easy to access online. I would like to use these to keep my classroom very well organized.

 My experience with blogging has been fine. Its not my favorite but I can see why teachers like to use it to allow students to reflect on what they've learned. However, similarly to discussions it feels a little like busy work sometimes. I honestly don't think there is much I have learned about blogging that I didn't already know before. I have seen teachers minimize error by allowing students to turn in rough drafts, this can ensure that students are on the right path and can't stray completely away from the original assignment.

I commented on my peers posts in the discussion :)


Sunday, March 1, 2020

Week 8

The DID model consists of 5 key points 1. Know the Learners 2. Articulate Objectives 3. Establish the Learning Environment 4. Identify Teaching and Learning Strategies 5. Select Technologies 6. Evaluate and Revise the Design. I found a pretty interesting class lesson plan on CPALMS that I think fits this design pretty well!
This lesson specifically knows its learners by targeting middle school aged students and adjusting the plan the state standards for this age group. This lesson points out exactly what it wants students to do by explaining how to compare the US and FL constitutions. If I used this plan specifically it establishes the learning environment well by having a video that explains the little details very well. The teaching and learning strategies are explained through the video in which the US and FL constitution are compared at a close up perspective. This assignment could involve no technology if need be which would be a very nice alternative if it was difficult to access at your school. Through the points that the students make about the similarities and differences it would be easy to tell if the project was as thorough as hoped. If it was not I could always make a checklist for students to follow while comparing and contrasting.

I think I could use power point very effectively to support blooms taxonomy! Firstly power point is amazing because you can switch topics on every slide which allows you to cover a lot of content but still keep them all related in one slideshow. Power point is great to create original work, there are so many customary things you can do to power points to make them your own. You can evaluate a stance on every slide by keeping them all on a similar topic with the same similar stance, powerpoint can also allow you to make in between slides between topics to make sure they correlate with each other. Analysis is very easy on power point by being able to constantly refer back to the original purpose of the slide show. Power points are great because you are able to apply information in many ways with examples in your slides relating back to the original purpose. Slide shows being concise with short points allows you to gain an understanding by explaining your ideas based on the broad points laid out on the slides. Lastly these slideshows can be very beneficial in remembering because you are able to lay out broad terms and cognitively connect them to their meanings and purpose. This can be much more beneficial than trying to remember complex concepts word for word.

I never knew it was so easy to create a website for a web quest like that! I think it would be super beneficial in a school where technology is easily accessible to do projects like this. The websites are so well organized and creative. I think this is definitely something that would be aimed towards older grades though. I think young students might get more confused with projects in this format. I think next time I would just take more time on it and add more pictures and references for my theoretical students. I think if I was to be a teacher this could definitely be used in my future classroom for a fun alternative to the usual paper packet of information.

I commented on Brittany and Alina's posts!

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Week 7

As a teacher I would definitely maintain a course website. I think they are completely worth the trouble/effort. They are a great way to keep students connected. Websites can also be a catch all for resources you would like to share with students. Websites can allow teachers to also go nearly paperless in their classroom's. I remember constantly being handed huge packets in class to read and discuss and I think it'd be great to be able to upload those to a class website instead and save a lot of paper.

I will use technology is various ways to accomplish my professional responsibilities more efficiently and effectively. I would use technology to help with my teacher professional development with blogs, webinars, and twitter. Similarly to how we use technology in class. It would be really useful to be able to share and learn tips and practices that other teachers use. Especially early into my profession it would be very beneficial to be able to be able to gauge where I'm at with other teachers.

Through the web evaluation assignment I learned some skills about how to create blank forms for students to fill out. I also learned about some important website qualities that I didn't think much of before. Overall I pretty much liked everything about the assignment. I liked how simple it was once you made your blank sheet. I could use this in my future career to help students recognize what good sources look like.

I commented on Alexis and Morgan's posts!

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Week 6
Out of curiosity, I looked up a Tallahassee local high school and took a look at their website. I chose  Leon High School. When I first clicked on the page I saw this:

When looking at the class websites I was amazed at how many were on there. The directory was huge. It seems as if every teacher in the school has a website. While looking through some of the individual sites I was also impressed how in depth they were. It is almost like canvas in a way. There are syllabi, announcements, assignments posted, and ways to contact the teacher. While there were a lot of great sites that offered a lot of information I also noticed a ton of not used sites.

The digital divide is something I saw my teachers cater to when I was younger. Probably until middle school teachers did not assign homework that required a computer or internet and they would give us time in the computer lab to do assignments that required a computer. The digital divide can allow some students to exceed with technology much faster than others. Different levels of wealth of students in schools is the main factor that can allow some families to have technology while others do not. As a teacher you may not be able to assign homework that requires technology if many in your class don't have access. To help work around this you can work with a lot of technology at school. My high school even loaned us all chrome books to help this.

I think the idea of using Twitter in class is great and original. I have interacted with classmates and the professor many times. I think it is a great way to make announcements. The main issue I have been having with it is that I only have spare time on the weekends, and that is when I do the majority of my homework, and I feel like Twitter makes me anxious because I am getting constant reminders of things I can't do until the weekend. It also does add quite a bit to the weekly workload. I think Twitter could be great for my future career to get out important information to my classes and share resources.

I commented on Brittney and Erika's posts.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Week 5

This week I was doing some research on what grade I would like to teach, and as much as I would love to teach elementary I realized that I can actually teach high school directly after my 4 year degree. I am a political science major and I hadn't realized I could teach with that degree directly after I graduate. I thought I had to have more schooling on top of it. So now I am intrigued to see what high school/middle school teaching would look like.

With this I decided to look at grades 11-12 because that would be the grade levels of teaching high school government! The ELA technology standard I chose to discuss is the standard to integrate multiple sources of information in diverse formats and media, such as: online chart creators such as Create A Graph, reference websites such as Ask A Librarian, and graphics software such as pixlr, to make informed decisions. I honestly don't think my current skill set would allow me to meet this standard. I think I still have a lot to learn about technology and resources before I would have the skillset to implement this standard.

On the CPALMS site, the tool I would use would be the teacher's lesson ideas. I read through a bunch of them on there and they're great. They are all so creative, and I think it would be really fun to build off of the ideas and lessons they have created and make them my own and implement them in my classroom. I really appreciate that these lessons even tell you how many standards they cover. I never knew a site like this existed!

The web 2.0 tool that I could use in my classroom that I first thought of is Tik Tok. It is an app that can allow students to become very creative and create a minute long video over what we are discussing in class. I think students could have a lot of fun with this and follow each other and interact! This would be similar to twitter and the blogs but have a slight twist in being videos and very creative. They would also be very simple so that they could stay enjoyable to the students.

I commented on Jacob and Mallory's posts!

Week 11 Throughout this year I have leaned away from wanting to become a teacher. I never really knew if it was what I wanted to do but I n...